How does a fruit acid peel work and what are its benefits?
You are given a low concentration fruit acid cream to prepare your skin for two weeks at home. In the subsequent peeling treatment at Pro Skin Solutions, we increase the fruit acid concentration and the exposure time. As soon as the desired skin reaction is reached, the acid is neutralised and its effects are terminated. Overall, the treatment results in a significantly fresher complexion. There is no downtime after the treatment, which is why the peeling is colloquially called a ‘lunchtime peel’. Superficial peels are also part of our HydraFacial treatments to intensify the cleansing of the skin. Here, we also use salicylic acid in addition to glycolic acid. This is slightly abrasive, which is why it is recommended for skin prone to acne. As glycolic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is low.