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Chemical Peels (fruit acids, AHA, retinol)

No Pain. Only gain for your skin.

In various forms of acne and in cases of enlarged pores and actinic keratoses, chemical peels can significantly improve the appearance of the skin. Because these peels stimulate collagen synthesis, they are also suitable for the treatment of premature skin ageing and scars.

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How do chemical peels work?

Depending on the initial diagnosis, we select peeling agents with different penetration depths into the epidermis and dermis. This results in various levels of peeling: superficial, medium-depth and deep peeling. Superficial peels only work on the upper layers of the epidermis. They reduce unwanted pigmentation and improve skin structure. They are therefore often used for fine acne scars, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and skin with enlarged pores.

How does a fruit acid peel work and what are its benefits?

You are given a low concentration fruit acid cream to prepare your skin for two weeks at home. In the subsequent peeling treatment at Pro Skin Solutions, we increase the fruit acid concentration and the exposure time. As soon as the desired skin reaction is reached, the acid is neutralised and its effects are terminated. Overall, the treatment results in a significantly fresher complexion. There is no downtime after the treatment, which is why the peeling is colloquially called a ‘lunchtime peel’. Superficial peels are also part of our HydraFacial treatments to intensify the cleansing of the skin. Here, we also use salicylic acid in addition to glycolic acid. This is slightly abrasive, which is why it is recommended for skin prone to acne. As glycolic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is low.

What is a medium-depth peel?

Medium-depth peels with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are mainly used for skin rejuvenation in cases of solar elastosis, acne scars and for the treatment of actinic keratoses. We can also achieve this medium-depth peeling effect with retinol peels. In contrast to peels with low concentrations of glycolic acids (fruit acid peels), the downtime after TCA and retinol peels can be longer as the epidermis is injured. The resulting effect is an intense regeneration of the skin.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment is not painful. Depending on the exposure time of the peeling agent, a slight tingling or burning sensation can occur on the skin. However, it subsides immediately after neutralisation or washing off.

Is there anything to consider before the treatment?

In an ideal case, patients come without make-up, so we do not need to irritate their skin unnecessarily with intensive cleansing.

What does one look like after the treatment?

With fruit acid and TCA peeling, the skin is initially slightly red in appearance. The healing process can result in mild flaking of the skin and possibly also scab formation. With retinol peeling, no effect is visible for approximately 48 hours, after which the skin starts to flake and peel and this lasts for about two days.

What should I look out for after the treatment?

Peels generally leave the skin more sensitive to light. Skincare products with a high sun protection factor (SPF 50+) are therefore absolutely essential. In the case of medium-depth peels, downtime after the treatment must be taken into account due to the resulting flaking of the skin and possible scab formation. These issues are always addressed before the treatment.

Are follow-up treatments recommended?

In our opinion, up to six treatments at intervals of two to four weeks are advisable for fruit acid peels. Deeper peel follow-up treatments are generally less frequent, with retinol peels recommended at three sessions every four weeks. TCA peels can be repeated every two to four weeks with a short application time and lower peeling effect. In the case of intensive TCA peelings with a longer application time and downtime, one treatment may be sufficient. Depending on individual requirements, these treatment plans are discussed in the initial consultation.

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