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Dr. Anna Brandenburg - We focus on customized vitamin and mineral boost infusions.

Effective compensation for vitamin and nutrient deficiencies in the bodyHighly concentrated infusion mixtures consisting of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements provide a natural energy boost and give the body an intense freshness kick. The term is derived from the English word "drip" for drop and "spa", the generic term for health and wellness facilities. Depending on your needs, we offer infusions that can strengthen your immune system (1. Power-Boost), provide more energy (2. Energy-Boost), have a vitalizing effect in states of exhaustion (3. Vitality-Boost), support detoxification processes (4. Detox-Drip), stimulate autophagy processes (5. Spermidin-Drip), decelerate aging processes (6. Anti-Aging-Drip) and help reduce stress (7. Relax-Drip). In order to be able to advise you comprehensively and holistically and to develop an individually tailored infusion concept, we recommend a micronutrient analysis in advance of an infusion treatment: this blood test can easily determine where your deficiencies lie, which can be compensated for by the infusions. The ingredients of the intravenous vitamin cocktail are 100% absorbed and lead to a faster and more intensive onset of action, so that your nutrient stores can be effectively replenished. Without any further additives, the substances enter the bloodstream directly, where they are immediately available to the body and help to increase health, improve the body's defenses and enhance well-being. In order to achieve an effective increase in the respective blood levels, we recommend that you repeat the infusion treatments several times at weekly intervals, taking into account your initial findings, of course.

In case of complaints that persist despite a Drip Spa treatment, an internal examination is recommended. Our Drips are designed to help you provide your body with the substances it needs to be healthy and powerful, so you can feel great and enjoy life - it's not just a saying that true beauty comes from within.

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DripSpa infusions for individual needs

Power Boost
For: Immunodeficiency and general exhaustion, chronic fatigue, lack of vitality, burnout.
Contains: Acetylcysteine, amino acids, (B) vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
Usage: 1x per week for 5-10 weeks, depending on health status
Contraindication: pregnancy


- 300 mg N-acetylcysteine (NAC): secretolytic, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory effect | - 200 mg L-arginine HCI: supports the formation of nitric oxide in the body, which dilates blood vessels | - 1. 000 mg L-carnitine: burns lipids (fats) and makes them available to the muscles for energy production | - 200 mg L-carnosine: consists of two amino acids (alanine and histidine), antioxidant, reduces glycosylation, supports chelation, stabilizes cells, increases resistance to injuries and strengthens the immune system | - 1,000 mg L-lysine HCI: essential amino acid that is needed in the body for muscle building, among other things. important for the formation of enzymes, hormones and antibodies, supports bone growth, cell division and wound healing and strengthens the immune system | - 600 mg glutathione red: one of the body's most powerful antioxidants, supports the immune system by, among other things 1,500 mg taurine: amino acid that the body produces and also absorbs through food and energy drinks, invigorating effect, involved in fat burning, promotes detoxification of the liver, supports the contractility of the heart muscle, supports the immune system and stabilizes cell membranes. |- 14.78 mg riboflavin phosphate sodium (vitamin B2): Coenzyme in various oxidoreductases, including NADH dehydrogenase, protects against oxidative stress, contributes to the maintenance of normal vision, normalizes iron metabolism, reduces fatigue | - 200 mg calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5): important for energy metabolism, synthesis of neurotransmitters, reduces fatigue and increases mental performance. | Pyridoxine HCI (vitamin B6): normalizes protein and glycogen metabolism, stabilizes the immune system, reduces tiredness and fatigue, normalizes the formation of red blood cells - 5 mg biotin (vitamin B7/vitamin H): activates enzyme reactions, important for glucose formation, the formation and breakdown of fatty acids and the breakdown of some amino acids, has a positive effect on skin and hair | - 20 mg folic acid (vitaminB9): essential for cell division and the formation of new cells, involved in iron and vitamin B12 metabolism|- 1 mg hydroxycobalamin (vitamin B12): necessary for cell division, DNA and blood formation, protects blood vessels in diabetes, formation and regeneration of nerves, helps with sleep disorders - 300 mg sodium ascorbate (vitamin C): Salt of ascorbic acid, which is also known as buffered vitamin - C, strengthens the immune system, antioxidant, strengthens connective tissue (supports collagen formation), serves as vascular protection, improves calcium and iron absorption, supports the effect of hormones formed in the hypothalamus, detoxifies by activating liver enzymes | - 45 mg calcium gluconate: Calcium salt of gluconic acid, replenishes calcium stores | - 15 mg potassium chloride: involved in determining nerve impulses and controlling muscles, including the heart muscles. In combination with sodium, potassium chloride ensures a balanced water balance |- 100 mg magnesium chloride hexahydrate: supports energy metabolism, strengthens the immune system, minimizes susceptibility to diseases |- 0.1 mg sodium selenite: contributes to the normal function of the immune system and the thyroid gland, protects cells from oxidative damage and supports the maintenance of hair and nails |- 76.6 mg zinc sulphate: astringent and antibacterial

Energy Boost
For: targeted energy production, stabilization of immune competence (a.o. chronic tendency to infections) and intensive strength building Contains: Amino acids. From 20 different amino acids, proteins are formed in the body, which have important functions for cell regeneration, connective tissue, information transmission (neurotransmitters) and countless other metabolic processes. Most amino acids cannot be produced by the body itself and must be supplied from outside (so-called essential amino acids). A deficiency can be detected by obtaining an amino acid status through a blood test.
Application: 1-2x per week, a total of 10 infusions
Contraindication: Pregnancy


- 1000 mg L-leucine: ensures healthy growth and a functioning immune system, contributes to collagen formation, keeps skin, hair and nails supple| - 1000 mg L-valine: important function in protein formation: by stimulating insulin secretion, valine not only regulates blood sugar, but also ensures rapid absorption of all amino acids into the muscles and liver| - 1000 mg L-isoleucine: regulates blood sugar balance: both general glucose uptake and glucose consumption during training increase under the influence of isoleucine. Isoleucine supplementation promotes muscle building| - 1000 mg L-phenylalanine: precursor of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline. The effect of the amino acid is correspondingly extensive: it increases alertness, counteracts depressive moods and relieves pain| - 1,000 mg L-lysine: required for muscle building and the build-up of other amino acids, involved in bone growth, cell division and wound healing.|- 1,000 mg L-threonine: required to synthesize the amino acids glycine and serine, which are essential for the production of collagen, elastin and muscle tissue. Threonine helps to keep the body's connective tissue and muscles strong and elastic. This also includes the heart, where it is present in large quantities | - 500 mg L-methionine: essential amino acid containing sulphur, involved in the formation of various protein molecules and in the conversion of the amino acid L-cysteine, acidifies the urine, helpful for recurring urinary tract infections | - 500 mg L-tryptophan: Essential amino acids, improves performance, mood-enhancing effect, important protein building block, vitamin B3 can be formed in the body from L-tryptophan, precursor of neurotransmitters and hormones: - Precursor of the hormone melatonin, regulates pain perception and sleep rhythm - Precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin, regulates mood and appetite - 2,000 mg taurine: amino acid that the body produces and also absorbs through food and energy drinks, invigorating effect, involved in fat burning, promotes detoxification of the liver, supports the contractility of the heart muscle, supports the immune system and stabilizes cell membranes

Vitality Boost
For: more vitality and immune stimulation
Contains: Concentrated B Vitamins. The B vitamins comprise a group of 8 water-soluble vitamins that have coenzyme function and are essential to the body (i.e. it cannot produce them itself). They are involved in hundreds of metabolic reactions. Exhaustion, fatigue and loss of energy can be early signs of B vitamin deficiency. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid in particular act synergistically and must be present at the same time during certain energy-producing processes. A sufficient supply of these substances through food is not always guaranteed, especially for certain groups (e.g. vegetarians/vegans).
Application: 1-2x per week for 6-8 weeks
Contraindication: Pregnancy


- 10 mg thiamine (vitamin B1): particularly important for energy metabolism, coenzyme in energy production from carbohydrates, involved in amino acid metabolism and important for the nervous system | - 5.5 mg riboflavin (vitamin B2): coenzyme in various oxidoreductases, including NADH dehydrogenase, contributes to the maintenance of normal vision, normalizes iron metabolism, protects against oxidative stress, reduces fatigue | - 40 mg niacin (vitamin B3, bioactive formNAD): energy metabolism, build-up and breakdown of carbohydrates, amino acids and fatty acids, involved in cell division and signal transduction, important for the immune system | - 6 mg pantothenic acid (vitamin B5): important for energy metabolism,as a component of coenzyme A required for the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and various amino acids as well as the build-up of fatty acids,cholesterol and steroid hormones |- 4 mg pyridoxal (vitamin B6): normalizes protein and glycogen metabolism, stabilizes the immune system, reduces tiredness and fatigue, normalizes the formation of red blood cells | - 0.2 mg biotin (vitamin B7/vitamin H): activates enzyme reactions, important for glucose formation, the formation and breakdown of fatty acids and the breakdown of some amino acids, has a positive effect on skin and hair | - 0.2 mg folic acid (vitamin B9): essential for cell division and the formation of new cells, involved in iron and vitamin B12 metabolism |- 1 mg methylcobalamin (vitamin B12): necessary for cell division and DNA formation,blood formation, protects blood vessels in diabetes, formation and regeneration of nerves, Alzheimer's prevention, helps with sleep disorders

Detox Drip
For: detoxification, strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, reducing free radicals, improving oxygenation.
Contains: Gluthation and acetylcysteine
Usage: 1-2x per week for 6-8 weeks
Contraindication: Pregnancy


600 mg gluthate ion red: one of the body's most powerful antioxidants, supports the immune system by helping to fight viruses and detoxify, among other things - 300 mg N-acetylcysteine (NAC): secretolytic, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory effect

Spermidine Drip
For: anti-aging, strengthening the immune system
Contains: Spermidine
Usage: 4 weeks 2x per week, then 4 weeks 1x per week
Contraindication: histamine intolerance, pregnancy


20 mg Spermidine: natural polyamine, first detected in sperm, but present in every human body cell, also found in foods such as mushrooms, legumes, whole grains, wheat germ, soybeans and aged cheese. Stimulates self-cleaning processes of the cells, which can thus free themselves from damaged or incorrectly folded proteins up to entire organelles (autophagy) and thus protect themselves from damage. The autophagy processes described above break down metabolic deposits in the brain and prevent synapse aging, which is said to provide a certain degree of protection against dementia. In addition, autophagy protects heart muscle cells and counteracts the development of type II diabetes. Spermidine also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects, and enhances mitochondrial function. Furthermore, spermidine stimulates immune functions: studies have shown that spermidine protects against infection with SARS CoV-2 and may inhibit the spread of the virus in the body. Gassen et al, Analysis of SARS-CoV-2-controlled autophagy revealssspermidine, MK-2206, and niclosamide as putative antiviral therapeutics, publishedin Nature Communications doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24007-w

Anti Aging Drip
Contains: Resveratrol
Usage: 1-2x per week for 3-5 weeks
Contraindication: Pregnancy or lactation, blood clotting disorders, before surgery, impaired immune function, liver or kidney disease.


- 8 ml Resveratrol infusion concentrate: natural polyphenol, found especially in the skin of grapes, phytoestrogen, antioxidant effect, which can reduce the risk of cell damage caused by free radicals and, among other things, cause increased collagen synthesis. It activates sirtuin, an enzyme that prolongs the life of cells and helps repair DNA damage, improves vascular function, has anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties, stimulates the production of the key hormone adiponectin, which helps burn fat and inhibits the formation of new fat cells.

Relax Drip
For: states of exhaustion, burn-out and stress
For: vitalization, increasing concentration, optimizing mental performance
Contains: Vitamin C, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals.
Usage: 1-2x per week for 6-10 weeks
Contraindication: pregnancy


- 5,000 mg sodium ascorbate (vitamin C): strengthens the immune system, antioxidant, strengthens connective tissue (supports collagen formation), serves as vascular protection, improves calcium and iron absorption, supports the effect of hormones that are formed in the hypothalamus, detoxifies by activating liver enzymes | - 1. 000mg N-acetyl-tyrosine: important for the synthesis of dopamine and other hormones, helps to increase the ability to concentrate and cognitive functions, mood-enhancing | - 2. 000 mg glycine: smallest amino acid, which is a component of various proteins, reduces inflammation, antioxidant effect and reduction of free radicals, as glycine is needed to form glutathione, protection of the intestinal wall, involved in the formation of red blood pigment (haemoglobin) and the production of creatine, which is stored in muscle cells and plays a role in the utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP = energy at cell level) during physical activity. Prevents heart disease, strengthens the effect of insulin and prevents alcohol damage in the liver | - 1,000 mg taurine: amino acid with invigorating effect, involved in fat burning, promotes detoxification of the liver, supports the contractility of the heart muscle, supports the immune system and stabilizes cell membranes | ·- 500 mg L-carnosine: consists of two amino acids (alanine and histidine), antioxidant, reduces glycosylation, supports chelation, stabilizes cells, increases resistance to injuries and strengthens the immune system | - 1000 mg L-phenylalanine: Precursor of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline and thus increases alertness, counteracts depressive moods and relieves pain | - 100 mg thiamine (vitamin B1): particularly important for energy metabolism - it acts as a coenzyme in the production of energy from carbohydrates. Also involved in amino acid metabolism and important for the nervous system | - 100 mg nicotine (niacin) amide, (vitamin B3): important component of the coenzymes NAD+ and NADP+, stimulates the synthesis of proteins, keratin and ceramides in the skin, thus having a positive effect on skin diseases such as acne and rosacea and reducing skin ageing | - 50 mgD-panthenol (vitamin B5): Important for energy metabolism and synthesis of neurotransmitters, reduces fatigue and increases mental performance | - 25 mgMagnesium hydroxide supports energy metabolism, strengthens the immune system |- 20.5 mg Potassium chloride: Involved in determining nerve impulses and controlling muscles, including heart muscles. In combination with sodium, potassium chloride ensures a balanced water balance.

Your questions.
Our answers.
For whom are Drip Spa infusions suitable?

For people who are permanently under stress, who sleep too little, eat too unhealthy and do not drink enough fluids. The result: poor concentration, mood swings, loss of energy, fatigue and a stressed complexion can be clearly pronounced.

What is the procedure of a Drip- Spa infusion?

First, we conduct a consultation and a detailed medical history. Subsequently, we determine the nutrient deficiencies in order to select the individual and coordinated infusion for your needs. The infusion is implemented almost painlessly, only a small prick is felt when the injection needle is placed. During the treatment, you can relax while lying or sitting down.

What is the exact mode of action?

Individual drips deliver the power blends of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, where they are immediately available to the body and can help increase health, improve defenses and enhance well-being.

We rely on customized
vitamin infusions from the inside out!

Intravenous vitamin cocktails have long been a beauty trend in the USA, used not only by celebrities to look fit and healthy, but also beautiful from the inside out. Infusion therapy has decisive advantages over taking vitamins and active ingredients orally, because the valuable substances enter the bloodstream directly. Thus, the infusion therapy allows the active substances to reach the required parts of the body directly - without delay. Intravenous treatment enables effective and individual therapy - tailored to different needs.

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