Effective compensation for vitamin and nutrient deficiencies in the bodyHighly concentrated infusion mixtures consisting of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements provide a natural energy boost and give the body an intense freshness kick. The term is derived from the English word "drip" for drop and "spa", the generic term for health and wellness facilities. Depending on your needs, we offer infusions that can strengthen your immune system (1. Power-Boost), provide more energy (2. Energy-Boost), have a vitalizing effect in states of exhaustion (3. Vitality-Boost), support detoxification processes (4. Detox-Drip), stimulate autophagy processes (5. Spermidin-Drip), decelerate aging processes (6. Anti-Aging-Drip) and help reduce stress (7. Relax-Drip). In order to be able to advise you comprehensively and holistically and to develop an individually tailored infusion concept, we recommend a micronutrient analysis in advance of an infusion treatment: this blood test can easily determine where your deficiencies lie, which can be compensated for by the infusions. The ingredients of the intravenous vitamin cocktail are 100% absorbed and lead to a faster and more intensive onset of action, so that your nutrient stores can be effectively replenished. Without any further additives, the substances enter the bloodstream directly, where they are immediately available to the body and help to increase health, improve the body's defenses and enhance well-being. In order to achieve an effective increase in the respective blood levels, we recommend that you repeat the infusion treatments several times at weekly intervals, taking into account your initial findings, of course.
In case of complaints that persist despite a Drip Spa treatment, an internal examination is recommended. Our Drips are designed to help you provide your body with the substances it needs to be healthy and powerful, so you can feel great and enjoy life - it's not just a saying that true beauty comes from within.