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Laser Epilation

Extend your comfort zone to your intimate zone.

Each of us knows it: annoying hair growth. To rid you of it, we use the CLARITY II from Lutronic. The CLARITY II is a powerful Alexandrite and Nd:YAG laser that has a dual -wavelength platform with a wide range of parameters. This allows us to provide safe and efficient treatment with a wide range of indications.
A wavelength of 755nm is used for permanent hair removal.
The color pigments in the hair root absorb the emitted focused light. Due to the high energy that is generated, the hair root is destroyed and the regrowth of new hair is prevented. Thus, a permanent result is achieved.
Thanks to an intelligent rolling handpiece, which calibrates itself after each parameter change, the treatment is faster and more effective. In addition, the handpiece has a cooling system which makes the treatment painless.
We also treat dark skin types (up to skin type VI) with low risk.

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Your questions.
Our answers.
Is the treatment painful?

The intelligent handpiece of our CLARITY II from Lutronic is equipped with a cooling system. This is gentle on the epidermis and enables a low-pain treatment. It also becomes more pleasant with each session, as there are fewer and fewer heat-absorbing hair follicles.

How often must the treatment be repeated?

Depending on the area of the body, we recommend five to ten applications until permanent success is achieved. You may already see a reduction in hair growth in the treated area after the first treatment. However, our hair grows back in cycles, so several treatments at intervals of 6-8 weeks are necessary.

Is hair removal permanent?

After one to two years, hair may occasionally grow back. We can remove these with targeted after-treatments.

What should be considered before and after laser epilation?

The skin should have minimal UV contact after laser epilation. Avoiding the sun and tanning beds is recommended for up to six weeks after the treatment. Immediately after the procedure, the skin can appear red and goose pimples can occur due to the fact that the destroyed hair follicles are only expelled after a few days via the excretory ducts.

Wir setzen auf die neueste Laser-Technologie.

Der CLARITY II bietet eine große Bandbreite an zuverlässige Laserbehandlungen zur Entfernung von Haaren, störenden Pigmentflecken, Hautrötungen und Äderchen. Er sorgt für einen gleichmäßigeren Teint und ein strahlendes Hautbild. Durch die große Auswahl an Parametern auf der Dual-Wellenlängen-Laserplattform(Alexandrit/ Nd.YAG) können neben der dauerhaften Haarentfernung z.B. folgende Behandlungen durchgeführt werden:

  • Entfernung von Pigmentflecken
    (Sommersprossen, Altersflecken, Melasma etc.)
  • Entfernung von störenden Äderchen, Blutgefäßen, Rosazea, Besenreisern
  • Hautstraffung und- festigung durch Anregung der Hauteignen Kollagen- Produktion
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